
~Song of Fulfillment~

Founded by His Eminence KALU RINPOCHE

Directed by Venerable LAMA LODU RINPOCHE

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Kagyu Droden Kunchab, established in 1974, is dedicated to the ultimate benefit of all sentient beings. By supporting the center through your membership, you connect with the boundless merit of those who brought Buddha-Dharma to the West. As a supporting member you merge with the highest intentions of Kalu Rinpoche, Lama Lodu Rinpoche and other bodhisattvas.

To Join the KDK Events List, Click on this Link and enter your E-Mail Address
Kagyu Droden Kunchab
1892 Fell Street, San Francisco,
California 94117, USA
(415) 752-5454

Dear KDK Members, Devotees and Disciples,

Greetings from Benchen Monastery, where I am receiving transmission of sutra and tantra from H.E. Sanggye Nyenpa Rinpoche. It is almost 1.5 months, and the ending date is January 13th and then I will finish my retreat by then. I have had a good time so far, but recently I developed some flu as it is getting colder here. But I work with my attendant lamas and other doctors, Tibetan, Chinese and Western doctors together, and I am improving every day. Tomorrow, Rinpoche gave a rest day so I have time to see a doctor to check up in more detail and find out what is happening there. I will be finishing by January 13th and I will let you know as time goes by when I will be getting home. That is all the news here from the Benchen Monastery in Nepal, Kathmandu near Swayambhunath Stupa, that is the place where I am now.

Please do your best to continue Dharma practice. At the end, Dharma practice will benefit - the rest of the things we are doing are nonsense and will not help anything after your death. Also, before death, it will cause lots of pain and suffering and competing, losing, gaining, lots of things happening, but it will not be meaningful and make more suffering. Okay? Do practice Dharma and do your best to adjust your motivation. I cannot expect everyone to have excellent motivation, but do your best and try. Don't forget that good things are good for you, and bad things are bad for you, please be mindful and remember that. That is my message in the meantime. Thank you very much my dears who love me, care for me, devoted to me and follow me, thank you.

Lama Lodu Rinpoche

Lama Lodu Rinpoche's Teachings for Thanksgiving Day, 2024

Click on picture for link to YouTube video, or go to

On September 16th, 2022, the KDK Board of Directors gave this presentation to His Eminence Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche (click link below to open PDF):

Waking Yoga Teachings

Waking Yoga Teachings @ YouTube Waking Yoga Pecha

Bardo Teachings

Bardo Teachings, Part 1 of 6 @ YouTube Day 1 - Vairocana Day 7 - Buddha Heruka
Bardo Teachings, Part 2 of 6 @ YouTube Day 2 - Aksobya Day 8 - Vajra Heruka
Bardo Teachings, Part 3 of 6 @ YouTube Day 3 - Ratnasambhava Day 9 - Ratna Heruka
Bardo Teachings, Part 4 of 6 @ YouTube Day 4 - Amitabha Day 10 - Pema Heruka
Bardo Teachings, Part 5 of 6 @ YouTube Day 5 - Amogasiddhi Day 11 - Karma Heruka
Bardo Teachings, Part 6 of 6 @ YouTube Day 6 - 42 Peaceful Deities  

Lama Choying leads Chenrezig Puja via Zoom, Saturday nights 6 - 7 PM Pacific Time

I would like Lama Choying to lead the Chenrezig Puja via Zoom and conduct Q & A to the public for when they have questions.  Lama Choying has been my student for a long time and has completed Three Year Retreat under my direction, and has been quite inseparable for all my activity.  He has good motivation to help people, and while I am gone, he will lead the Chenrezig puja via Zoom at 6 - 7 PM Pacific Time every Saturday night.  You will not need to bring anything to participate, as he will lead the practice slowly with the text on the screen.

I am confident as I know him, his motivation is very strong to benefit others compared to other people who say too many things, so I really believe he can benefit all of you.  Even people who are not necessarily my students can practice with him on Zoom, so I request - please everyone, don't be ignorant, and pay attention.  Whatever your leisure, you can come on any Saturday evening.  From my heart, I request that you continually maintain this practice, as Chenrezig is the emanation of the actual Buddha's compassion.  When you meditate on Chenrezig and chant the mantra, you are communicating directly with the Buddha's mind and becoming more inseparable with your mind.  Then, you have some space for wisdom and method to be instilled in your mind.  Lama Choying will show the text on the screen; nothing else is necessary, you can follow the text right there, and Lama Choying will let you know when to start, when to say mantra, do silent meditation, and conclude.  If you have leisure time, you can ask questions afterwards.

Via ZOOM, Saturdays 6 PM - 7 PM Pacific Time
Meeting ID: 913 6232 2171
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,91362322171# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,91362322171# US (Houston)

2021 Teachings by Lama Lodu Rinpoche

Jan 10th - Rinpoche's teachings and guided practice of Medicine Buddha. Rinpoche explains the three sub-divisions of practice, the first part of taking refuge and generating Boddhicitta, the middle part which is focusing on the object of meditation, and the conclusion part, which is how to dedicate the merit gained from the practice to all sentient beings. The Medicine Buddha sadhana was composed by Chagme Rinpoche, who was the Mahapandit and truly accomplished yogi. Afterwards, Rinpoche answered questions during a Q and A session.
Click here for the Video
The Medicine Buddha Sadhana can be downloaded here.

Jan 17th - Rinpoche's teachings on overcoming the discomfort of the mind and body that arise through the extreme emotions of anger and other afflictions, and how to subside them through meditation, recitation, and visualization, according to the Buddha.
Click here for the Video

Jan 24th - While we practice seriously, at that time we may have obstacles instantly arise and the mind becomes covered by these obscurations. This causes lots of confusion and doubt, so Rinpoche will give a twenty-minute teaching on how to make this subside, followed by a Q & A session with written questions given by the participants.
Click here for the Video

Jan 31st - Rinpoche gave the commentary and teachings on the practice of the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Chenrezig. The practice is divided into three sub-divisions, the first part being refuge and generating Boddhicitta, the second part is the focusing of the mind on the main body of the meditation object, and the third part is how to dedicate the merit gained from the practice to all sentient beings. Rinpoche gave commentary on each sub-division, and also led a guided group meditation practice, and concluded with a Q & A session.
Click here for the Video
The Chenrezig Sadhana can be downloaded here

Feb 21st - Lama Lodu Rinpoche teaches 16th Karmapa Devotional Practice, “Lamey Naljor” or Guru Yoga
Click here for the Video
Click here to download the 16th Karmapa Guru Yoga practice text.

Feb 28th - Lama Lodu Rinpoche teaches Kyabje Rangjung Kunkyab Devotional Practice, “Lamey Naljor” or Guru Yoga
Click here for the Video
Click here to download the Kyabje Rangjung Kunkyab Guru Yoga practice text.

For Rinpoche's Seven Weekends series of teachings from Sept. 25th through November 6th, go to the

As the center relies on dues and donations, if there is someone who is motivated from their heart to maintain the KDK Dharma center, you are more than welcome to make a contribution at this PayPal link. Currently, there is a water problem on the KDK Retreat Land, and there is always a shortfall to maintain the San Francisco Dharma Center which needs painting, roofing, and so on. Donations of any amount will be very helpful and you can make a memo to donate for any specific purpose: Click here for the Donation Page
